Happy Inter-National Scrapbook Day Litabells fans! Today marks the begin of a weekend long celebration of all thing scrapbooking. We are excited about the fantastic sale going on this weekend at ScrapMatters. While you are there be sure to check out all of the fun things that are planned for this weekend long celebration.

First I want to share with you this gorgeous Grab Bag, Scrap It, created with our scrapbooking hobby in mind. Included are five amazing products at an even more amazing price - $5.00! That's right! You'll get $16.50 worth of product for only $5.00. Do not miss grabbing this!

The Belles did a wonderful job of showcasing all of the goodies in this Grab Bag.

That's not all! Lita cooked up another beautiful Grab Bag - Just Breathe. It's also jam packed full of fabulous product valued at $16.50 but on sale for only $5.00 through the iNSD sale.

The Belles wasted no time at all creating some eye candy!

But wait! There is still more! Lita also put together an
NSD 2013 Grab Bag with Meagan of Meagan's Creations. Their collaborative effort is simply gorgeous! You can grab this bag filled with $10 worth of coordinating goodies for only $4!
Look at the gorgeous creations that came from this vibrant colored grab bag.
So that is a lot of fabulousness right? The weekend is full of all sorts of fun things. Be sure and visit the
Fan page for updates and giveaways. Visit the forum at ScrapMatters to see the details of a
Scrap to Win competition to win Litabells products.
Okay... let the scrapping sale-abration begin. Have a terrific weekend of shopping and scrapping!